Vallerani System
The Vallerani System is based on 3 main aspects and each project is a creative and unique combination
The social approach is based on a long-lasting collaboration between all stakeholders, the participatory approach and the active involvement of the local population
The technology: the special plough Delfino 3s goes in and out of the soil digging micro-basins for water harvesting and for the collection of fine soil and organic matter, while the ripper cracks and loosens up the soil creating an ongoing underground splitted furrow which collects the water from the adjoining micro basins
Agronomic and forestal practices such as direct sowing of local species, agroforestry and sylvo-pastoral techniques
The plows working with the VS help by
the substantial cracking and buffeting of the soil, due to the speed of the tractor and the construction particularities of the plows, allow the compact soil to be broken up, thereby facilitating the absorption of water and the entry of roots.
acheiving total collection and rapid seepage of rain water falling into the micro basins with consequent substantial reduction of evaporation, subsequent recovery of the water table and reduction of the erosion of the soil.
increase speed of production: between 4 to 8 km / h which corresponds to a working surface of 1.5 / 3 he per hour (variable depending on the type of soil, processing, rainfall etc.).
increased collection of the rain water that falls between the ploughed lines, of the seeds and straw transported by the wind, with continuous improvement of the fertility and of crop production.
creating 2 to 4 times more water available for crops, pastures, and plants (water table).
enhancing the maintenance and growth of plant and animal biodiversity, which is strongly promoted by improving agronomic conditions in the soil.
reuse of hard, compact soil, previously abandoned because it was impossible to work manually.
lowering cost: 100 to 150 Euros/hectar, depending on: the size of the intervention, the characteristics of the soil, the distance between the working lines, the cost of labor, days of work and other auxiliary components.
lowering environmental impact as only 20-30 % of the land is worked.