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Le nostre pubblicazioni

Libro - “Un delfino rinverdisce il deserto”
Documenti tecnici

Characteristics of the tractor to pull the Delfino plough of the Vallerani System

Les caractéristiques du tracteur pour tirer la charrue Delfino3s du Vallerani System

Caratteristiche del trattore per portare l’aratro Delfino3s

Technical characteristics of the Delfino3s plough and their effects

Les caractéristiques techniques de la charrue Delfino3s et leur effet dans le sol

Le caratteristiche tecniche dell’aratro Delfino3s ed il loro effetto nel suolo
Media review

Italy’s top newspaper has dedicated an article to the Great Green Wall and Vallerani System - Reach Italia remembers Dr. Venanzio Vallerani

Italian Wikipedia page dedicated to Venanzio Vallerani – A man from Umbria in China’s desert

Desert Reclamation and Rehabilitation of the Sahelian Environment using the Vallerani Water Harvesting System

Desert Reclamation and Rehabilitation of the Sahelian Environment using the Vallerani Water Harvesting System

Turning the Tide of Desertification in Africa – a video by FAO dedicated to Acacia Project featuring an interview of Venanzio Vallerani

FAO’s Article on Acacia Project

Acacia Operation Project – the section dedicated to our project on FAO’s website

KEFRI final paper “Using Mechanized Water Harvesting System (The Vallerani System) for Rehabilitation of Degraded ASALs in Kenya”

ICARDA paper “Performance and Adaptation of the Vallerani Mechanized Water Harvesting System in Degraded Badia Rangelands”

Report 2005-2007 “Implementation Report for the Sino-Italian Cooperation Project”

Brochure “Projet ACACIA operation 2003-2007“

Burkina Faso, rehabilitation and sustainable management of degraded pastures 2015

GIZ 2015 25 years of soil rehabilitation and conservation in the Sahel region. VS on pag 16-17

GIZ document “Good Practices in Soil and Water Conservation” contains info on Vallerani System as one of the good practice

WOCAT publications on Vallerani System WOCAT SLM Database

FAO’s Guidelines on sustainable forest management in drylands of sub-Saharan Africa mentions Vallerani System on page 6

UNCCD’s publication “Desertification A visual synthesis” illustrates Vallerani System on page 37

Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, “Contour Laser Guiding for the Mechanized “Vallerani”

Report 2010 “Implementation Report for the Sino-Italian Cooperation Project”

Magazine ICARDA Caravan, 2006 “Review of agriculture in the dry areas”

Environmental review Article of Prof. T. Oweiss, Rainwater harvesting for restoring degraded dry agro-pastoral ecosystems. p. 135-149, 2017

FAO 2015 Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands. VS on pag 110-113

ICARDA IFAD Rehabilitation and integrated management of drylands with water harvesting p. 64-88

Étude de l’impact du travail des charrue Delfino et Treno sur le sol et la végétation des terres dégradées du Soum (Burkina Faso)

GIZ document “Bonnes pratiques de conservation des eaux et des sols” parle du Vallerani System

Rivista Bois et forêt des Tropiques, 2010, n° 304 “Reconstitution des écosystèmes dégradés sahéliens”

FAO “Rapport de projet Prowalo, Senegal 1998”

CILLS 2009 “Récuperation maccanique des sols degrades à des fins sylvo-pastorales”

FIDA ONUDI a project in Marocco 2012

La Lutte contre la Detersification (LCD) et la Rehabilitation de l’Environnement (RE) au Sahel avec le Vallerani System

WOCAT publications qui parlent du Vallerani System

CILLS 2009 “Récupération des sols fortement dégradés à des fins sylvo-pastorales”

FAO “Restauration des terres arides dégradées, de Michel Malagnoux, avec bibliographie“

Lo studio “Un référentiel des mesures techniques de récupération, de protection et d’exploitation durable des terres” (Projet PASP-GTZ Niger)

Rapporto 2007 “Relazione progetto Vallerani in Inner Mongolia, Cina”

Opuscolo progetto di recupero delle terre fortemente degradate nel Sahel Burkinabè (Reach Italia, Burkina Faso)

Dispensa illustrata - “Projet Prowalo, Senegal 1998”

中意合作项目“在内蒙古应用‘瓦勒拉尼系统’技术 – 开展示范造林”执行报告

Thesis of Mrs. Aziza Jebbari: “The rain collection technique and its role in improving pastures. The Vallerani System model in the path of the Béni-Guil and Abbou-Lakhal rural communities. ” Aziza Jebbari is co-ordinator in the south area of the “Participatory project to combat desertification and reduce poverty on the plateaus of Eastern Atlas, Morocco”. The UNIDO GSM project: 00212-6-70-48-76-98; 00212-6-61-80-73-72